LSD: Dream Emulator Wiki
Hanged Women
Hanged women
Women Executed en Masse

The Hanged Women are corpses of women hanged by the neck (Not to be confused with other corpses), that may suddenly appear hanging from lampposts as you run under them in the Violence District, in a total of 1-4. They can appear as one or in a group. These objects are present only during A-type days of LSD: Dream Emulator.

It is possible for the hanged woman (or women) to freeze you, or force you to link with them. Sometimes you can cut down the hanged woman using the O button, causing a sharp noise to occur as she falls to the ground.

Certain dreams may even have the hung woman drop down and follow you.

Additionally, walking directly past one of them may sometimes result in the player being abruptly teleported back in the direction they were walking to face the Hanged woman, Though at a Distance away from them. (Without a Colored Screen Fade, Seen when Linking.)

Like a lot of PS1 Translucencies, the dark violet rope that holds their necks is sometimes completely invisible, and may be spotted when they are approached close enough.


Due to all the violence and darkness surrounding the Violence Street, they were probably previously killed by either of murderer or gunmen (sometimes gunman appear as several.)

