LSD: Dream Emulator Wiki

The Dream Journal (also known by its actual name, "Lovely Sweet Dream") is a vivid written and drawn representation of various nightmares and dreams which were used to partially inspire producer Osamu Sato to create LSD: Dream Emulator. These dreams and nightmares were encountered throughout the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s by a Japanese writer named Hiroko Nishikawa and became the material written into the journal. Some of these dreams and nightmares were implemented into the game in their whole written forms as text dreams. The nature of these nightmares and dreams are extremely odd, and some are possibly even related to past traumatic events, containing blatant sexual or violent references and themes. The Journal itself was never released outside of Japan.


To view the journal's contents, click on any one of the images below. Many of these dreams have English translations. None of these pages have been edited; these are the official appearances of the contents of the Dream Journal.

A PDF version of the book can be downloaded from here.
