LSD: Dream Emulator Wiki
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The Fetuses (also known as the Babies) are objects that only appear in the depths of the Flesh Tunnels. The sound of their bouncing can be heard throughout the tunnel.

Players can often encounter a lone fetus somewhere in the hallway, which will then leap in the other direction and disappear through a wall. Navigating around this wall will lead the player to a large room filled with multiple fetuses bouncing in place and spinning in the air. Touching them will link you to Monument Park.

The kanji that appears on their stomachs 胎 reads "Fetus" or "Womb".


  • The Flesh Tunnels are generally thought to represent the inside of the human body, as suggested by the name, inner design, and the fetuses.
  • The red aprons the fetuses wear lead them to resemble the Japanese folk hero Kintaro, likely an intentional derivative as many other objects present within LSD: Dream Emulator are also Japanese folklore-based, such as the Kitsune and Tengu.

